Whether you’re going as part of a larger trip to China or just because, 3 days in Shanghai is all you need for a proper introduction.
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The Ultimate Guide to Gansu
Gansu attractions are some of the most impressive in China, but you’ll need a good grasp of the Chinese language—and a high level of patience—in order to travel here.
Continue ReadingThe World’s Largest Village
I was surprised by Chongqing’s beauty. And I don’t mean the Muzak cover all All4One’s “I Swear” that was playing as I waited to clear Chinese immigration, although that was a nice touch.
Continue ReadingChina’s Wild West
Follow in my footsteps and head to Gansu, but only once you’ve considered the entirety of this dispatch.
Continue ReadingThe Greatest Great Wall Trips
There are as many ways to visit the Great Wall as there are kilometers of the ancient fortress.
Continue ReadingYou’ve Never Seen Winter Like This Before
Visiting China’s Harbin Ice Festival was a surreal, magical experience – and not just because it broke one of my life’s most debilitating existential barriers.
Continue ReadingFit for an Empress
You may never be a Chinese empress (or emperor), but when you visit Beijing’s Summer Palace, it’s much easier to imagine such a life!
Continue ReadingThe Truth About China in 2021 (and Beyond)
The closer the Beijing 2022 Olympics draws, the more likely it is that China will have to re-open to travelers.
Continue ReadingThe Perfect Way to Spend a Weekend in Hong Kong
No matter why you’re embarking on a weekend in Hong Kong, I envy you!
Continue ReadingThe SAR and the City Above the Sea
There are countless important distinctions between these two cities—and not just that the citizens of one speak Cantonese and the others definitely don’t.
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