What follows is not only a Macau travel guide but, I hope, a rebuke of the prevailing wisdom about the territory: That it’s not really all that great.
Continue ReadingThree Priceless Days in Paris
Paris never gets old—it grows with you, although it never seems to age.
Continue Reading7 Amazing Experiences in Japan’s Tohoku Region
Tohoku is far-removed from much of Japan’s tourist core, but it’s still more than worth a visit.
Continue Reading30 Pictures That Will Make You Want to Visit Iran
Just because you can’t see something doesn’t mean it isn’t there.
Continue ReadingThree Immaculate Days in Isfahan
This is the moment my trip to Iran truly begins, I muttered to myself the moment I set eyes upon the illuminated Shah Mosque and the violet clouds above it.
Continue ReadingThe Truth About Iran
The two weeks I spent in Iran informed me and changed me and humbled me, and I ask all of you reading this to humble yourselves.
Continue ReadingTohoku Spirit Week
Not all Tohoku’s spirits are evil, nor are all its benevolent ones predicated on sacrilege.
Continue ReadingThree Marvelous Days in Melbourne
Melbourne should be first on your list of things to do Down Under, even though it’s Australia’s second city.
Continue ReadingThree Magnificent Days in Montréal
If you read this blog with any regularity, it’s not surprising that I’m in love with Montréal
Continue ReadingThree Brilliant Days in Bogotá
You should absolutely hang out in Colombia’s capital for a bit before seeing the rest of the country.
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