Phuket boasts more than a hundred kilometers of coastline, but is much more than just a beautiful beach destination.
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Land of Entrapment
Four words pop into my head every time I think of the desert: “Aujourd’hui, maman est morte.”
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Yes: I shaved 13 days off a two-week trip, and flew halfway around the world (and back!) in two days so that I could make things right—and garden, bake brownies and watch the season finale of Veep—with the love of my life.
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Selective vision is a necessity, on the Ethiopian plateau and in the hellish valleys beneath it, whether your selection is to be blind or to see.
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It is not the speed with which you climb a mountain, but the grace with which you look upon everything beneath it that makes you royal.
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Planning a trip to Hong Kong? Here are my suggestions on how to spend three days in Hong Kong, whether it’s your first trip here or your fiftieth.
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Butterflies cannot allow themselves to be weighed down by memories of life inside the chrysalis.
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I’ve been to Bangkok 14 times and stayed at dozens of hotels during those trips. So how is it that one of the city’s finest eluded me until now?
Continue ReadingDon’t Ride a Horse Into the Crater of Mount Bromo
Leave Your Daily Hell guest blogger Claudia explains why you should think twice before riding a horse into the crater of Indonesia’s Mount Bromo.
Continue ReadingMyanmar, I Hardly Knew Ye
I expected my driver to be shocked and amazed when I told him I’d visited his country more than five years prior, but all he seemed to care about was my nationality.
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