Being in Africa hasn’t been a revelation as much as a reminder: Migration is really all there is.
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Floating Above Thailand’s City of Angels
My recent visit to Thailand was my eighth, but I found myself surprised by how much I still had to learn from a place I thought I knew so well.
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Whether you’re headed to Bangkok for the first time or the fiftieth, this itinerary is a foolproof way to get to know (and, hopefully, love) Thailand’s City of Angels in just a few days.
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To honor the five year anniversary of my move to Shanghai – and the difficulties I faced while living there – I traveled back to the city to make peace.
Continue Reading30 Pictures That Will Make You Want to Visit Finland
Finland in autumn may very well go down as my favorite travel experience of all time, a bold statement I hope these photos corroborate.
Continue ReadingMy Life-Affirming Day in the Helsinki Archipelago
Even if you haven’t had the pleasure of meeting such fine Finns as I have, I hope this post inspires you to take your own trip to Finland – it is truly a life-affirming place.
Continue Reading30 Pictures That Will Make You Want to Visit the Caucasus
I hope these photos make you want to visit the Caucasus but more than that, I hope they convey to you the transformation being here manifested in me.
Continue Reading30 Pictures That Will Make You Want to Visit Vietnam
I have a feeling these photos are going to make you want to take a trip to Vietnam, whether you follow the path I took or plot a course unique to you.
Continue Reading30 Pictures That Will Make You Want to Visit Egypt
Risk is always commensurate with reward – and few places in the world are more rewarding to visit than Egypt.
Continue Reading30 Pictures That Will Make You Want to Visit Brazil
Brazil is a country where danger lurks around every corner, but you dance to meet him; where nothing works, but everything feels so damn good.
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