Take a day trip from Santa Marta to Minca to trek through rainforest, swim at the base of a waterfall and take a tour of an organic, hydroelectric coffee farm.
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Busted For Weed in Switzerland
Never assume you’ll get away with doing something illegal in even liberal foreign countries.
Continue ReadingIs America Actually Extremely Cheap?
If you’re truly convinced that it’s expensive to live in the United States, travel just about anywhere else in the world, pay close attention to price tags and get back to me.
Continue ReadingAre The Whitsunday Islands Worth Visitng?
Promotional paraphernalia paints traveling to Australia’s Whitsunday Islands as a hard prospect to pass up, but does the idyllic beauty of the islands alone make visiting them worth it?
Continue ReadingPhotos of My Beat-Up Passport
One of my proudest inanimate travel items is my passport, my tore-up, beat-down passport. I’m going to narrate it here for anyone who’s interested.
Continue ReadingHigh Prices in the Land Down Under
Although it’s possible to travel in Australia without going completely bankrupt, you shouldn’t count on any aspect of your Australian holiday being cheap.
Continue ReadingCoffs Harbour vs. Byron Bay, Australia
I recommend building both Coffs Harbour and Byron Bay into your Australia travel itinerary, so you can see first-hand which one you prefer.
Continue ReadingLebanon’s Sort-of-Underground Gay Scene
Lebanon’s gay scene is extremely open compared to most of its Middle Eastern neighbors, in spite of the fact that being gay is illegal in Lebanon.
Continue ReadingHow Expensive is Amsterdam?
Although a trip to the Netherlands isn’t going to set you back as much as travel to Switzerland or Norway, certain aspects of travel in Amsterdam are expensive, even by European standards.
Continue ReadingSingapore’s Gay Status Quo
As a gay traveler in Singapore, you should be mindful of the country’s laws when visiting gay establishments and engaging in homosexual activity.
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